BoldBrush Studio Artist, Scott Burdick in his studio

BoldBrush Studio Artist, Scott Burdick in his studio


Become a BoldBrush Studio Instructor

Want to get your art instructional videos on BoldBrush Studio?

Our mission is for BoldBrush Studio to provide the finest online visual art education in the world. If you are an established professional artist who teaches and want to offer your videos on BoldBrush studio, I encourage you to read on.

BoldBrush Studio compensates art instructors for creating content that benefits the student. Therefore, the more an individual art video is watched, the more that particular instructor is compensated.

We take the total net revenue the platform collects in a month and we distribute the majority of that net distributable revenue to the instructors based on the watch time of their videos.

The more your videos are watched, the more you make.

If you want to learn more about how it works and if your videos are a fit for BoldBrush Studio, fill out the form on this page.